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Barcelona midfielder De Jong leaves 'clasico' on a stretcher after right leg injury

来源:Global Grounds news portal编辑:politics时间:2024-06-03 17:49:03

MADRID (AP) — Barcelona midfielder Frenkie De Jong left the field on a stretcher with a right leg injury sustained late in the first half of the “clasico” against Real Madrid in the Spanish league on Sunday.

De Jong was hurt in a clash with Madrid midfielder Federico Valverde in first-half stoppage time at the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium. Valverde came in hard for a 50-50 ball and struck De Jong’s foot while trying to get to the ball.

De Jong immediately went down and was briefly treated by medical staff before leaving on a stretcher in obvious pain. The score was 1-1 at the time.

The Netherlands midfielder was replaced by Pedri.

Madrid entered the final clasico of the season with an eight-point lead over its rival.


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