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Koepka sets the stakes, and the menu, at PGA champions dinner at Churchill Downs

来源:Global Grounds news portal编辑:sport时间:2024-06-03 17:54:51

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — For one evening, at least, the center of the golf universe was the world’s most famous horse track.

Defending PGA champion Brooks Koepka hosted the traditional champions dinner Tuesday night at Churchill Downs, a quick drive from Valhalla Golf Club, where he begins defense of his title Thursday.

Most of the sport’s still-active champions passed under the track’s celebrated twin spires for the get-together. One notable exception: Two-time champion Rory McIlroy did not attend.

Koepka called it a good time and said his chef helped the staff at the racetrack do the cooking. The menu went heavy on the smoked meats: smoked brisket, smoked beef short ribs, smoked fried chicken, smoked cedar plank salmon.

Koepka said he’s never been to a Kentucky Derby — one planned trip there in 2020 got scrubbed because of COVID-19.

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